Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016

the new MiniMaerk Blog

dear all,

I have never been the New Year's pledge kind of guy - why should I wait until the end of december to start something? So it is a pure coincidence that this change from my "dbamaerk" website into this new blog takes place between Christmas and New Year's Day.

When I have started gaming with historical miniatures some ten years ago, the many fansites on the web inspired me much and I wanted to share my experiences and above all the pictures of my DBA armies. That was the start of dbamaerk. I have planned a well structured website with a number of categories to be filled bit by bit:

It worked as intended for some time, but I started to try and like other games as Art de la Guerre, Sharp Practice, Dux Britanniarum, Songs of Drums and Shakos, Sails of Glory, etc. to name but some of them. Pictures and reports of these games did not really fit into the structure of my website and I had to tinker more and more.

A new start has been due for months or more but the lack of time made me pushing it along. But now the moment of change has come. The static dbamaerk site changes into this dynamic MiniMaerk Blog where the whole width of historical miniature gaming that I like shall find its place. All my best wishes go to this baby - may it prosper and have a long and happy life!

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